We are proud to offer our customers unique and relaxing holydays since the construction of our structure in the far 1954.

During this half century, in order to improve our services and satisfy our customer dreams, the Hotel has been renovated multiple times: the last one has been done in 2002, and above the entrance a tipical "Murales" has been painted by the local artist Dunio Piccolin.

Hotel Felice after the first recostruction

Join us

Coming from north, you can reach Falcade throw the A22 highway (Brennero), exit Egna-Ora. Then take the route SS48 until Moena and go through San Pellegrino pass

Coming from south you can take the highway A27 (Venezia-Belluno) and then the route SS203 until Falcade

The Hotel is located in a sunny zone at the entrance of the village, with a wide garden in wich you can admire our local mountains: Cime d'Auta.

Besides, the zone is well served by the public transport (Bus and also Skibus during winter): the nearest bus stop is just some meter away from our structure so don't exitate to start a fantastic tour from here!

Our services


Every room and the hall are served by wi-fi access. All you need to do is request your account, log in and enjoy!


Do you need to relax after a day of walking or skiing? No problem, we have a relax zone with every compfort like solarium and sausa. What are you waiting for?

Car park

You don't have to be worried about anything: there is also a wide car park overleaf. On request we have also some place in the garage.

Tipical restaurant

The structure has a big dining area that is avalaible on request for: refreshments, lunches, dinners and celebrations. Contact us now and personalize your menu to make it unique!

Photo gallery

The Hotel

Hotel on summer

Our hall

The recreation area

Large dining

Modern and comfortable rooms

Spacious and clean bathrooms

The wellness room

The brand new sauna


Inverno 2025-2026

(mezza pensione a persona minimo 4 pernottamenti)
Settimana Dicembre Gennaio Febbraio Marzo Aprile
29/11 - 06/12
€ 50,00
27/12 - 03/01
€ 75,00
31/01 - 07/02
€ 60,00
28/02 - 07/03
€ 60,00
28/03 - 04/04
€ 55,00
Seconda 06/12 - 13/12
€ 55,00
03/01 - 10/01
€ 70,00
07/02 - 14/02
€ 70,00
07/03 - 14/03
€ 70,00
04/04 - 11/04
€ 55,00
Terza 13/12 - 20/12
€ 55,00
10/01 - 17/01
€ 55,00
14/02 - 21/02
€ 70,00
14/03 - 21/03
€ 70,00
11/04 - 18/04
€ 55,00
Quarta 20/12 - 27/12
€ 70,00
17/01 - 24/01
€ 55,00
21/02 - 28/02
€ 70,00
21/03 - 28/03
€ 70,00
18/04 - 25/04
€ 55,00
27/12 - 03/01
€ 75,00
24/01 - 31/01
€ 60,00
28/02 - 07/03
€ 70,00
28/03 - 04/03
€ 60,00

Estate 2025

(pensione completa)
Settimana Giugno Luglio Agosto Settembre
01/06 - 08/06
€ 55,00
29/06 - 06/07
€ 55,00
27/07 - 03/08
€ 69,00
31/08 - 07/09
€ 55,00
Seconda 08/06 - 15/06
€ 55,00
06/07 - 13/07
€ 58,00
03/08 - 10/08
€ 73,00
07/09 - 14/09
€ 55,00
Terza 15/06 - 22/06
€ 55,00
13/07 - 20/07
€ 58,00
10/08 - 17/08
€ 77,00
14/09 - 21/09
€ 48,00 mezza pensione
Quarta 22/06 - 29/06
€ 55,00
20/07 - 27/07
€ 60,00
17/08 - 24/08
€ 69,00
21/09 - 28/09
€ 48,00 in mezza pensione
29/06 - 06/07
€ 55,00
27/07 - 03/08
€ 69,00
24/08 - 31/09
€ 60,00
€ 48,00 mezza pensione

Contact us now!